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Tournament Rules

Volleyball League Tournament Rules

All Normal Outdoor Rules apply

PLUS the following:



Tournament payments are non-refundable within 14 days of tournament unless we can fill your spot.

All payments must be made in full prior to tournament day

You are only allowed to play on ONE team

A max of 6 prizes will be given for winning division. Should you choose to play with more than 6, the extra person will be charged $10-$20 to cover play, food and raffles but will not receive a prize for winning.

We play rain or shine. In the event of severe unplayable weather conditions:


If canceled before play starts up to 2 hours and 59 minutes into tournament a rescheduled tournament will happen.

At the 3 hour mark exactly or after we call the tournament where is, as is, no reschedule, no refunds.  The winner at that point is the winner.

League has one week to determine new date.

League will contact your captain with new date information.

We understand all players may not be available for rescheduled date however, there are no refunds from league. The remaining player(s) will have to find new players and reimburse you themselves. If the entire team cannot play please contact Annie


Please do not bring your own alcohol beverages onto the premises. Violation of this rule will result in tournament exclusion and no refund


 Recreational teams are allowed to have one competitive player on their team. It is not fair to other teams and will not be tolerated if teams are being “stacked” with competitive players. If your volleyball skills have gotten better maybe it’s time to move up a level.


Tournaments are Adult ONLY. No children are allowed on the premise during tournament.

All Tournaments Include Lunch

Feel Free to bring a pop-up tent and chairs

All Tournaments are Round Robin Format



Any rule challenges will be decided by the League Coordinator

Royal Couple Tournament Rules and FAQ’s:



Tournament is located at Solidays: 

Starting June 3rd, 2022.

6935 Ward Rd,

Niagara Falls, NY 14304


Registration is at 6:00pm, Play starts promptly at 6:30pm

Games are 11 minutes each. A player that is sitting will keep score for current game.


You will play 6 games - Each Team consist of 3 Guys and 3 Girls (3 sets of Coed pairs).


Entire tournament runs approximately 2.5 hours.


Heart always play Diamond and Heart always has first serve, Spade always plays Club and Spade always has first serve

If a ball is in play when time is up the play will be finished

Please announce, “Serve or Ball” when serving for readiness courtesy.


Bad weather: We play in the rain. Pop up tents are encouraged. No refunds will be given for rainy tournaments. In the event we have extreme bad weather that is deemed unsafe, a full refund will be given.


One person per pair must notify score table of your score at each game completion. If you do not personally present your score you will receive zero. If you forget to give your score for any game and receive a zero you are also not eligible to win any prizes.


Upon giving your score to the score table you will pull your next card to determine what suited team your pair is on next

There is a chance you may have a back-to-back game OR sit for 2 in a row. It is all luck of the draw.


If we do not fill tournament, players do not show up, someone drops last minute, or a player is missing when your game starts your team will have to play with less than 6 players. Pairs are Coed only. If you lose your partner, you must find a teammate of the opposite sex. In the event a Couple does not show up a team(s) will have to play with 4. Its all luck of which suite you draw. See below.


In the event a team must play with less than 6 players, the suite spades, then clubs then diamonds will be played short in this order.


If your teammate does not show up, you may still play however you are not eligible to win any prizes. If your teammate is late and your first game is over or at the 5-minute mark or over, you both are NOT eligible to win any prizes.


One person from the opposite suited team that is not playing must keep score.


You are not allowed to bring your own alcohol on the premise. All alcohol must be purchased from the establishment.

Each player will receive ONE complimentary beverage.


Full prize payouts are based on full occupancy of 24. If less than 24, prize amounts will be less.


In the event of final Tied scores after 6 games:

First place ties: First Place Couples will play one 11-minute game with team of that suite picked. You will NOT pick your own team, the cards will. Losing couple of this match will win 2nd place prize. If more than 2 pairs tie for 1st place, there will be NO playoff, 1st and 2nd place prizes will be divided up equally.


If above does not apply and there is a tie for second place, second place prize will be split equally ($20) no additional play. Last place ties will split the prize for last place equally ($10).


No additional play.


No Refunds Unless you or I can fill your spot, no exceptions.

Outdoor King and Queen Tournament Rules and FAQ’s


Tournament is located at Solidays, 6935 Ward Rd, Niagara Falls, NY 14304

Registration is at 6:00pm, Play starts promptly at 6:30pm

Games are 11 minutes each. A player that is sitting will keep score for current game.

You will play 6 games

All Teams are Co-ed.

Entire tournament runs approximately 2.5 hours.

Heart always play Diamonds and Hearts always has first serve

Spades always plays Clubs and Spades always has first serve

Bad weather: We play in the rain. Pop up tents are encouraged. No refunds will be given for rainy tournaments. In the event we have extreme bad weather that is deemed unsafe, a full refund will be given.

If a ball is in play when time is up the play will be finished

Please announce, “Serve or Ball” when serving for readiness courtesy.

You will be responsible to notify score table of your score at each game completion. If you do not personally present your score you will receive zero. If you forget to give your score for any game and receive a zero you are also not eligible to win any prizes.

Upon giving your score to the score table you will pull your next card

There is a chance you may have a back-to-back game. It is all luck of the draw.

If we do not fill tournament, players do not show up, someone drops last minute, or a player is missing when your game starts your team will have to play with less than 6 players.

In the event a team must play with less than 6 players, the suite spades, then clubs then diamonds will be played short in this order.

One person from the opposite suited team that is not playing must keep score.

You must be honest and call yourself on faults etc…

You are not allowed to bring your own alcohol on the premise. All alcohol must be purchased from the establishment.

Each player will receive ONE complimentary beverage.

Full prize payouts are based on full occupancy of 24. If less than 24, prize amounts will be less.

In the event of final Tied scores after 6 games:

First place ties with 2 people: First Place Players will play one 11-minute game with team of that suite picked. You will NOT pick your own team, the cards will. Losing player of this match will win 2nd place prize. First Place ties with 3 or more people- 1st and 2nd place prizes get split equally.

If above does not apply and there is a tie for second place, second place prize will be split equally ($20) no additional play. Last place ties will split the prize for last place equally ($10). No additional play

No Refunds Unless you or I can fill your spot, no exceptions.

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