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I know the general rules of the game but may not know the more technical rules.

I understand basic positions and how to rotate.

I can serve the ball over the net and in play 50% of the time or higher. 

I try to pass to my teammates most of the time, but sometimes I just hit it back over the net.

When I hit the ball over the net, I am trying to keep it in bounds, not necessarily trying to place it strategically.

I understand how to score points, keep score, and when to announce the score.

I know what blocking is, but don’t see a lot of it at my level of play.

I know when to call for the ball to avoid collisions.

I know I’m not supposed to touch the net.



Teams regularly attempt to make three hits per side. 

Teams have a setter, but most of the time the setter is setting from the middle position.

Players in these games often have a goal to improve and advance to Level A

Players play the position into which they rotate rather than assigned positions.

A solid “B” player has reasonable consistency. Skill level easily trumps height. Many “B” level hitters do not employ a standard hitting approach. A few points are scored due to execution errors but not the majority, most points have to be earned.


Superb players. Highly athletic. Indoors they use complex offenses. Passing is stellar.

Perform all skills: BLOCKING, SETTING, PASSING, and HITTING. 

Know what 5-1, 6-2, and 4-2 offenses are. 

Know how to cover the court defensively during a serve and during a hit. 

Can pass a hit or serve to the setter consistently. 

Front row hitters are able to take an approach and hit the ball consistently. 

Know what covering a hitter means. 

Play with positions: outside hitter, middle hitter, right side hitter, setter and defensive specialist.

Setters can set a basic outside, middle, and right side ball with minimal spin. 

Get 90% of serves, or more, in play.

Most of the players are tall. Indoors they almost always use a 5-1 or 6-2 offense (i.e., the setter is often a back row player, so that there may be three hitters in the front row).



All players must go online and fill out the roster for the team they are playing with by week 3.  As new players join your team or you have substitute players filling in, all must fill out a roster before play. Rosters can be viewed on the website. Not on roster, then you cannot play. New players will NOT be allowed to join your team the last 4 weeks of NORMAL play for long session or last two-weeks of NORMAL play for short sessions.  In the event a player, team, referee or league coordinator challenges the status of a player, the roster will be checked and if player is not on the roster the player will not be allowed to play.



Volleyball fee is determined by the number of weeks in a session. This fee will be collected in 3-4 installments. Installment due dates are on your schedule. Your referee fee is $10 per night per team and is the team’s responsibility to pay the referee in cash each night of play. The league is not responsible for non- paying players or reimbursement for any players that drop. No reimbursements will be given for dropped teams.


Cancellation / Forfeits:

In the event of a forfeit, every attempt will be made for a make-up (not guaranteed) The forfeiting team will be responsible to pay a $20 ref fee for the day forfeited. No refunds for forfeits or cancellations



Point deduction will occur for late start games. Forfeits will be called 15 minutes after starting time.

A ball that hits the net on the serve and goes over is considered a good serve.

A served ball may be returned open-handed as long as it is clean.  The call will be at the discretion of the referee.

The service must be made within 5 seconds after the readiness to serve signal by the referee.  If the player serves before the referees whistle, the serve is canceled and one Re-serve will be allowed per game.

Any player that leaves their feet or hits the ball in a downward swinging motion returning the ball on the serve is considered attacking the serve and is not allowed.

The whistle of the referee stops all play.  The ball is then dead.

Court etiquette shall be maintained at all times.  Derogatory remarks or unsportsmen-like conduct to the referee or opposing team will cause automatic expulsion from the game or league.

A ball hitting any part of the line is considered in-bounds.

Players are not allowed to cross under the net.

Time Outs – One 15 second time out per team per game.

A break between games two and three will be at the discretion of the referee (based on time allowance).

The volleyball must be rolled across the court to the opponent’s court.  No throwing or bouncing of the ball will be allowed.

Net Faults – Contact by any player with any part of the net during play constitutes a fault.  Simultaneous contact shall be signaled and ordered a replay by the referee.

Simultaneous contact with the ball is not considered a held ball.  Play continues

Point rally scoring will be used for every game.

Please do not bring alcohol beverages onto the premises. Violation of this rule will result league in expulsion.

Should you happen to bring children, you must have a non-playing adult to supervise. 

The home team must provide the game ball.  If there is a dispute over ball quality, referees will have final say of ball choice.

The home team will have the coin toss call for serve or side.

When playing with 5-6 players, two females must always be on the court. When playing with 1 female, you must only play with 4 player’s total.

The ball can be played off the ceiling if it is on your side of the court. If the ball crosses the net and hits the ceiling on the opponent’s side, the ball is dead and the opponent’s receive the point.

A ball that makes contact with the Intercom is considered out.

A back row player cannot leave their feet above the 10ft line while hitting over the net.

You must rotate in on the serve for rec league only


Recreational teams are allowed to have ONE competitive player on their team. It is not fair to other teams and will not be tolerated if teams are being “stacked” with competitive players on recreational nights. If your volleyball skills have gotten better maybe it’s time to move up a level.


No children are allowed in the school during volleyball. Supervised or not you cannot bring children to volleyball any longer. If you have a minor on your team (under 17) please talk to Annie.

All people must ENTER and EXIT Forest Ave door # 6 ONLY for Gaskill and Front Doors for LaSalle

NO SMOKING on school property anywhere!

All players are to remain in the gym(s). No congregating in hallway

Players are not allowed to communicate to any person in the building other than those associated with the league.

No wet footwear allowed in the gym.  If you have muddy footwear (dry mud or wet) please change your shoes before entering the gym.

School has the right to ask for copies of our rosters/waivers at any time so please make sure you are on a roster.

Only players are allowed on the property. We can no longer invite bystanders to the games.

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